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Terms and Use


Terms and Use




The Palos Verdes Library District (PVLD) provides public access to its Local History Center collections for educational and research purposes. We note that some materials in Local History Center collections may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Reproductions of some materials may also be restricted by the terms of a gift or purchase agreement, donor restrictions, and privacy or publicity rights.


PVLD has made every effort to determine that information related to copyright and other restrictions in our collections is accurate. However, rights in historical, archival and digital collections may be difficult or impossible to determine. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.


PVLD is eager to hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that the appropriate information may be provided in the future.


Conditions of Use

You are welcome to use images on Palos Verdes Community Archives for your personal study and research, unpublished research, or classroom and teaching purposes. For these noncommercial purposes you may use the image without prior permission.  We ask that you properly credit PVLD when using materials by using the following citation: "Courtesy of the Palos Verdes Library District Local History Collection".


For commercial or publication uses, please refer to our Reproduction Requests page.


Statement on Hurtful Content 

PVLD is committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone is seen, heard, and celebrated. We acknowledge that harmful and outdated language or terminology exists in our material’s descriptions, however much we strive to use appropriate, inclusive, and respectful language today. For a variety of reasons, users may encounter outdated, offensive or harmful language in our collection records and descriptions. Although such content does not reflect PVLD's values, it has not been censored or sanitized on the Palos Verdes Community Archives. Accessing historical records in this form provides researchers an opportunity to analyze the records in their original context.